A Unique Photography Blog

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My First Post

Okay, so let's talk about this one...

Where does your eye want to go immediately?  You don't know either?  Well, that's a problem.  I can tell is it was a nice little antique shop, but I probably wouldn't want to go in based on this particular photo...

Better luck with the next one!


  1. I take a lot of photos like this. :P
    My bro, who is an exceptional photographer, always says "Remove distracting elements".

  2. Love the tag!! lol!

    I also am just really thinking the x-mas lights add just that special...something. :-P

    Fun, fun, fun!! :-)

    ps. I call those 'distracting elements' noise...

  3. I look forward to following, my friend. Enjoy yourself!
